Thank you for your thoughtful question.
The answer is yes, all the time.
I have never encountered a situation in which adding transparency and clarity didn't bring about change. In many cases, we find one of three things to be true:
1. People had never really thought about how they work. By understanding that they have aha moments around the true cause of the challenges they've been facing (e.g. why is my team always over budget)
2. They thought a team was working one way when, in reality, they were working another. That often clarifies why team members are frustrated, or leaders are hearing general unhappiness from a team.
3. An organization was moving forward, and now, with this new, accurate information, they can move forward with intention. This shapes how they deliver work, price work, or staff teams. We also see it impact who they look to hire and what skills they're looking to hire.
There's a lot you can do with ecosystem maps and journey maps once they're established and understood.